Contractor Software

Getting Field Crews to Use Contractor Software

As a subcontractor, the benefits of utilizing contractor software are easy to see. Your project managers have figured it out, and your office staff can’t thank you enough for the time saved on the paperwork. It’s allowed your business take leaps and bounds in operational efficiency, and you can be proud of how smoothly your office is running.

Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, even if the office is on-board with adopting contractor software, there’s a chance that your field crew might not. With TRUE, we made a concerted effort to make things as easy as possible for every member of your team. With things like straightforward layouts and customizable features, allow your team to get exactly the tools they need to streamline complicated workflows involved in daily operations of a construction firm

So how do you get your field crews to take a step back and see the bigger picture that contractor software can provide?

Make it a Simple

A lot of people make the mistake of over-complicating things. Some of the proposals we get for feature requests seem out-right crazy. Some people have the mentality that the more features crammed into a solution, the more useful it will be. While in some cases that maybe true, feature rich solutions can be exponentially more difficult to use. Keep everything simple and streamlined to keep your crew from questioning the solution or how to use it.

Remember, the point of implementing contractor software is to make things easier on your team, so you must make sure your crew understands that. Often times, people are just accustomed to the way they’ve always done things and may feel negatively about trying something new. Just be persistent and try your best to sell the benefits of using the new contractor software. If they understand how it works and the benefits they will see, the more likely they are to actually use it.

Provide the Equipment

Believe it or not, some people still don’t have a smartphone and have no interest in them. Getting these individuals to switch from using basic flip phones to buying expensive smartphones seems a bit unrealistic. However, there’s an easy way around having crews who don’t have iPhones or Droids to use software technology, supply them with company tablets. It might be a heavy initial investment, but it will help get your field crews accustom to using tech tools for reporting, labor tracking and other key data collection.

Be Supportive & Helpful

Don’t get distracted by your own work when your first introducing your guys to this new technology. Make sure you’re available to answer questions, as your crew starts using the system. Even if you have perfect app, people will still have questions. Better to be ready for them, and if possible provide your employees with a resource for them to brush up on how to use the app if necessary. For TRUE Users, we provide a tips and full help guides in our help center, as well as providing email and phone support.

Provide Helpful Resources

Again, even with the perfect solution, your team is bound to run into issues. Make sure that the software itself has your core users contact information in it, that way there’s no excuse for someone not having your number to let you know if they don’t understand something. Within TRUE, there is a Help icon that allows users to submit a help ticket directly from the system or navigate to the help center material for the module being used.

Construction Communication

Avoid Falling into Construction Communication Chaos

Construction communication errors can range from simple typos to costly misunderstandings that can put your entire project in jeopardy. According to OSHA overall construction site errors and accidents have declined in the last decade, however, they still credits a large portion of the remaining issues in the construction to communication errors. The good news is that there is a solution to these communication problems, construction software. We have put together a list of a few way contractor software, like TRUE, can help you cut down on construction communication chaos.

The Trickle Down Effect

Change orders are a common occurrence on construction projects, getting shuffled around from person to person, it is no surprise that they can be a huge source of construction communication errors on a construction job. As change orders make their way through the job site, each person along the way presents a new point of potential error. When handling paperwork like this smudges, dirt, and misplacements can make a document difficult to read or can leave it open to interpretation. Was that new measurement 5 feet or 5 meters? A small difference like this can result in big problems for your construction project. Luckily, with contractor software, change orders and other paperwork are much more streamlined and easy to process. When changes are made, the solution updates the order with the necessary changes and the information is instantly available to office and field employees within the solution. Field crews can rely on the software tools instead of their memories, phone calls, or easily misplaced paperwork. No more fumbled papers or guessing what something said. All you and your crew have to do is log in, check the facts, and get on with the work.

Breaking Down Language Barriers

Language barriers are quite common in today’s world and can come in many forms. With the immigrant workforce growing, new talent joining the industry, and the increase in governing regulations there is more room for communication error than ever before. Maybe you have employees whose native language is not English. Maybe there is an employee who is new to the industry and doesn’t know construction lingo yet or they might just need help understanding an abbreviation or code they are unaware of. With construction software, these communication obstacles are history. In TRUE, each user is able to set their preferred language, users can reference any notes related to a project for clarification, with photos and videos adding further explanation.


The latest industry reports show that almost half of construction companies are choosing to transition from paper to reporting software. This is great news because people add the element of human error. By utilizing automated project management software it is far less likely that the same mistakes made by office staff will be made using software.

When a construction project is moving along productively, it may be because they are using a software tool that allows project stakeholders insight into all aspects and progress of a project. For example, daily reports, although often a source of headaches for project managers, they are essential for proper site preparation, material allocation, hiring, accounting, and project planning. These are some of the areas where massive mistakes can arise. Construction technology makes reporting fast and easy. Simply check on any aspect of the project, at anytime from anywhere with no delay. When stakeholders want specifics, they’re a few clicks away and ready to be shared.

Government Agencies

Communication errors are bad enough when they occur within your organization, but when they go beyond your team, it can lead to disaster. If an error in planning or paperwork makes its way to a state agency, federal regulator, or other governing organization, even the smallest oversight can compromise your entire project. By adopting a construction software tool, like TRUE, you can keep a detailed record of information and activity history, so any authority can quickly see evidence of exactly what happened on any of your job sites at any time. When a miscommunication starts to grow into a larger dispute, your firm can quickly defuse the situation before it gets out of control by providing accurate documentation.

Staying on Schedule

One of the worst mistakes your company can make is missing project deadlines; which is why the scheduling module within TRUE Contractor Software really makes a world of difference on for construction project managers. Because of the program’s real-time updates, management can keep their finger on the pulse of their projects; management knows instantly whether a project is on track to hit certain milestones. TRUE makes the schedule totally transparent, which is a welcomed improved from using old-school paper processes for construction project management. Instead of relying on vague guesses, everyone can rely on a robust solution to provide all the tools you need to keep a project running smoothly, on schedule, and without unnecessary complications.

Interested in learning more about how construction technology can help you take your business to the next level and improve construction communication? Try a free 14-day demo of TRUE by clicking here.

Mobile Construction Software

How Subcontractors Benefit from Mobile Construction Software

The world we live in is becoming more and more mobile. Because of this rapid change, it is essential that construction companies recognize the importance of implementing mobile construction software within their businesses. The construction industry is going to continue to grow and evolve, meaning companies need to adopt a technology that will help adjust to this constantly changing industry. Mobile tools give contractors an integrated solution to improve business across many areas, while ensuring that their firm is keeping up with key competitors.

Avoid Costly Errors

The use of paper forms, coupled with manual processes, can lead to errors, which can be extremely costly for construction company owners. Not only is physical paperwork extremely time-consuming, difficult to read and can easily be lost in the shuffle of everyday work, it can lead to miscommunication, project delays, payroll mistakes, and many other headaches. Utilizing mobile technology can help reduce these costly errors by streamlining everything into a single database. RFIs, Change Orders, Bids, Project Documents and all other business related information is stored in one place. Workers can even submit their hours directly from the field, avoiding any payroll mistakes. By allowing real-time submissions of information into an organized, automated system, contractors can bypass a number of pain points.

Unlimited Documentation

Unlike paper forms, mobile applications provide users the ability to customize documentation. Workers can modify work orders to include things like specific customer requests and pricing for specific line items. On paper forms it is more difficult to modify paperwork and add additional information, leading to possible miscalculations and errors. Going mobile ensures that all documentation is complete and accurate, with the flexibility for your workers to add additional information.

No More Lengthy Payment Processes

Cloud-enabled mobile technology ensures you get paid as fast as possible. Manual paperwork and invoices can often get misplaced, leading to a higher chance for errors and longer waits for payment. Using a mobile app allows workers to send invoices directly from their devices, which means invoices are submitted on time, and customer payments are received faster.

Hold Workers Account

The use of GPS tracking technology guarantees you will know where your field technicians are at all times. Accountability within the field is often a problem because managers in the back office don’t know what their workers are really doing. GPS tracking gives project managers the ability to view real-time locations, which allows them to see how much time is spent on different construction sites, therefore increasing worker accountability.

Improve Communication

Mobile construction software gives you a better mode for communicating with all company personnel. Gone are the days of calling back and forth between the office and the construction site. The mobile app gives employees the ability to communicate quickly and efficiently so that they can receive fast responses in real-time.

More Mobility

Using a mobile app for documentation and communication gives workers the ability to always be on the go. For those who are constantly on the move, it can be almost impossible to keep track of documents and notes. With all information stored in one place able to be accessed from their mobile phone, field workers will enjoy a much easier and compact channel to communicate and document their work. This means less worrying about lost notes and paperwork and more focusing on getting the job done!

For more information about TRUE Mobile Construction Software, please visit

pavement software

Why Asphalt Contractors Choose TRUE Pavement Software

There are a number of pavement software solutions currently on the market that claim to cater to pavement and asphalt contractors. However, TRUE is the paving and sealcoating software solution that actually delivers on that promise. With the all-in-one subcontractor software, users are able to manage all of their business workflows from initially capturing a lead to creating the invoice and processing the final payment. TRUE is also key in managing back office operations like time clock, payroll, scheduling, equipment tracking and much more!

Lead Management & CRM

Every customer starts as a lead, because of this it is important to begin the process as smoothly as possible. By using the CRM Module in TRUE Pavement Software, you can quickly capture new leads and create complete contact records with all of the pertinent information related to the prospect. Once a lead is entered into TRUE, the solution helps track the sales cycle and activities for each record. Then when a lead is won, that contact record can be easily be converted into an account for creating quotes and invoices.

Estimates & Orders

Creating professional looking, detailed quotes and orders is easy with TRUE; especially with the new TRUE Pavement/Asphalt/Concrete Calculator. To create an estimate, users enter dimensions of an area, as well as the per unit cost of the material and TRUE will calculate the square footage of the area and the cost associated with paving, sealcoating or pouring concrete for that given area to create detailed line items. After completing the quote by adding all the necessary line items, users can convert that quote into a work order in one simple step.

Invoices & Payments

In TRUE, users are able to easily generate invoices from time clock entries and other line items from existing orders. These invoices contain account information, line items, cost centers, due date, payment terms, account balance and more. With the eForms function, TRUE will generate a PDF of the invoice for sharing with clients. Not only does TRUE create invoices but it can also process check payments as well as process credit card payments through the Stripe Point of Sale Integration.


For contractors who are tired of schedules made in Excel spreadsheets or on whiteboards, pavement software can help! With TRUE, contractors are able to create schedules based on worker availability, work orders, and key locations. The systems can then be set to automatically alert works by email, text message or system notification when they are scheduled for work. Using maps, the worker can they plan their route efficiently.

Time Clock & Payroll

Time tracking and payroll can be a pain point for any organization, contractors are no different. There are multiple employees with different roles, working on different projects across numerous sites and varying payroll activities. With pavement software, tracking time and labor is much easier for everyone involved.

Employees are able to use the desktop or mobile version of TRUE to make time punches. These time punches can be for a Division, Facility, Order, Project or Work Ticket and then assigned to the appropriate cost center. Management can even track what was done during the punch with payroll activity, punch type and additional notes from the punch.

Vehicle & Equipment Tracking

Pavement, Asphalt and Concrete Contractors often purchase or rent vehicles and specialty equipment to complete their work. These items are company assets that must be tracked and maintained. In TRUE, the Vehicle & Equipment Module is incredibly helpful because of the many features it offers. Assignment Logs are generated to track operators, tools assigned to the vehicle and the inventory put on the vehicle. You can also track fuel usage, maintenance history and requirements, and preventative maintenance scheduling. Users can also set up tracking and alerts for expirations for registration, warranty & insurance to prevent any lapses.

There are many features and modules in TRUE designed specifically to support the business needs of pavement, asphalt, and concrete contractors. For more information about what TRUE has to offer Pavement, Asphalt and Concrete Contractors, please contact us at

Contractor Timekeeping

Why Contractors Must Have Accurate Timekeeping Methods

Accurate timekeeping is one of the most important parts of any construction project. On many projects, payroll accounts are by far the largest single expenditure. Inaccurate timekeeping records can lead to cost overruns, disputes with customers, and even fines. The problem becomes even more complex when contractors are managing multiple crews working on different projects, performing different tasks. Eventually, the time and energy put into record keeping can become all consuming. Fortunately, there are ways to ease the timekeeping burden for contractors, while also ensuring a greater degree of accuracy.

Go Paperless

Paper time sheets are outdated, inaccurate, and difficult to work with. Each timesheet has to be filled out, collected, verified by a supervisor, processed, and recorded. Every step along the way offers another opportunity for errors to occur. Over the course of a project, those errors can add up to a small fortune. Even if the records are accurate, they still require constant monitoring to check productivity and ensure workers aren’t approaching unscheduled overtime hours. The hours a manager or employer spends on timekeeping could be better spent elsewhere.

Electronic timekeeping software, like TRUE, offers an affordable, easy-to-use alternative to paper time sheets for contractors and their crews. The software can be used across multiple jobsites, allowing managers and supervisors to monitor productivity and costs without having to visit each jobsite. Owners can view current timekeeping data from any internet connected computer or mobile device using the contractor software. With TRUE Time, employee time punches can even include GPS location.

Save Time & Money

Perhaps the most important benefit of a construction timekeeping software is the time and energy it will save a company. Every minute spent poring over paper time sheets is a minute that isn’t spent completing projects and starting new ones. And the inherent inaccuracies can lead to even greater costs in the future. Continuing to use a paper-based system wastes the two most important resources a company has: time and money.

Making the switch to a software-based system is an investment that reaps immediate and long-term rewards. Bids and estimates will have greater accuracy, mangers will be able to spend their time doing more important things, and owners will have greater control over costs. For more information about how TRUE Contractor Software can help you better manage your business today, contact our team at