construction software

Time to Ditch Paper for Construction Software

Excess paperwork can be overwhelming and can even cut into your profits and compromise production. If you’re thinking about going paperless down the road, here are some reasons to ditch the paper as soon as you can for construction software.

Paper is Expensive

Considering the average worker uses 10,000 sheets annually with each sheet costing roughly a nickel, that’s $200 of expenses right there. Now multiply that by the number of employees in your office and you’ll get a good idea of how paper use can eat away at your profits. With a construction software, pay for the license and leave paper in the past!

Paperwork Increases Labor Costs

A study assessing paper costs concluded that all the costs related to storing, photocopying, filing, archiving and frantically searching for paper documents amounted to $57.52 per box of paper. Labor costs involved in scanning and saving the same number of sheets on a computer were only $54.60. Although the difference in cost was less than $3, imagine how much you’d save over an entire year.

A missing file can cost a company up to $120. Inherent in that cost is the time it takes to find that document. If that same file passes through several hands in the course of a workday, the chances of it getting lost increase almost exponentially. Workers spend many hours every week looking for important information, missing files, folders and other paper documentation—taking up valuable time better spent on more critical company tasks.  TRUE Construction Software, all of your documents and job information is all in one place that is easily accessible by your team from anywhere.

Filing Systems Take Up Valuable Space

If you’re in an office with limited space and your company’s growing to the point where more staff is needed, all that square footage dedicated to filing cabinets and paper storage could easily be put to better use. Unless you find a more efficient way to deal with all that paper, you risk losing money by not being able to acquire and accommodate new employees and equipment. With construction software your files will take up space on your hard drive, not in your office!

Paper Comes With Additional Costs

When you add up the costs of using paper, there are other expenses to consider besides the cost of the material itself. Other factors such as courier fees and postage, maintenance of printers and toner cartridges as well as paper shredders will figure in your costs. Considering all the expenses related to storing and handling physical documents, a paperless solution might appear more and more attractive.

The storage and use of paper in a business might not seem so costly when starting out, but over time, it can amount to levels that truly affect your business. Paperless alternatives are much cheaper and software like TRUE can make the process streamlined and more efficient. With the construction software, you can create electronic documents that take up infinitely less space and that can be managed much faster and more easily. Communicating via email and social media is quicker and cheaper than postage, so your clients will appreciate it too. Going paperless is one of the easiest investments your company will ever make and you’ll experience great returns in a very short period of time.

If this is a problem that is plaguing your business, let DocuWrx help! Our all-in-one construction business management software for subcontractors is the answer for you! Click here for more information on TRUE Solutions and how they can help improve your business today!

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